April 30, 2021
We’ve made it to the end of week 12! There is now only 31 days left of the Nevada Legislative Session. An upcoming important deadline is the second committee passage on May 14.
Some bills that were heard this week were AB363 and AB141. AB363 is to regulate and tax short term rentals. This means companies like AirBnBs, etc. Currently, the only county that they are being taxed and regulated in is Washoe County. In Clark County they are actually illegal, but still exist. That means there are thousands of these that are not being regulated or taxed and that is a lot of revenue that the state is missing out on. This bill deals with money so it has received a waiver and has been exempt from certain deadlines.
AB141 seals COVID-19 related evictions from non-payment. Even with the moratorium, a lot of people have still been evicted. They do not deserve to have this on their record. We need to help those who have been hurt the most during this pandemic.
Next week we are looking forward to SB254, the fair chance housing bill, and SB420. SB420 will make it so we have a public healthcare option in Nevada. Faith in Action is supporting this because it will make healthcare more affordable for everyone. The current healthcare system leaves out those who are missing certain documents like a social security card. This new healthcare will be available even to those who are undocumented. This public health option will also go with you through job changes and will not be taken away if you lose your job. Nevada needs this because everyone deserves access to healthcare.
Remember to help us support these bills mentioned by going to this website. You can also join our Digital Activation Team or Rapid Response Team to help us out even more and stay up to date on what is happening with these bills, or join our Organizing Team to engage legislators. All the information is on our website along with all our Legislative priorities which are now available for you to look over here. Thank you for being a part of this journey through the Nevada Legislative Session with us, and stay tuned for more updates next week!