Black America needed this. We needed these years of relief. We needed a reminder that our labor, our organizing, our prayers, our lament and our Black Lives are not in vain. We needed this verdict, a small step towards justice, to say that #GeorgeFloyd was a man. A man due the respect and dignity imbued by the Creator and promised by the constitution. We needed a reminder that the moral arc of the universe continues to bend toward justice. America needed this. Our world needed this. We needed this verdict.
However, it is not the end. We also need to see the necessary reforms to guarantee that this never happens again. As we continue to pray for the peace, healing and restoration of the Floyd Family and pursuit of justice for all victims of police brutality
“If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same”. While the verdict in the Chauvin trial is a welcomed change, we cannot miss the countless victims whose blood continues to cry for justice. We cannot forget that we need a summer of prolonged organizing. We cannot forget that it took several camera angles of nine minutes and twenty nine seconds of a murder. Our work is not done. We still need a sentence that carries the weight of NINE MINUTES and TWENTY NINE seconds. We cannot act as though we do not have unfinished business. The blood of our sister #BreonnaTaylor is not still crying out from Louisville. And the blood of #DaunteWright is not bellowing it’s song from Brooklyn Center The blood of #SandraBland still has more to say. God Almighty, help us if we shut up at a time like this. The prophet Isaiah said “for Zion’s sake i will hold my peace” and in the Spirit of the Eagle-Eyed prophet we will not keep silent. Today, we cry and rejoice, but tomorrow we fight. Power to the People.
– A reflection by Ender Austin III, FIANV Southern Nevada Director

Ender Austin III
Southern Director, FIANV