Hi friends, my name is Ender Austin, III. I am excited to serve as the Southern Nevada Regional Director for FIANV. In this role, I work with leaders and congregations in the Valley. I am the product of the Black Church and am a firm believer in the advocacy of heroes like Fannie Hamer and Jeremiah Wright.
My hope is rooted in the liberation power of the Good News. This anchors me in a world of chaos, crisis, and confusion. My hope is that when I pass the batons to my sons, Ender IV and Ethan, that the world is more just and my generation will have bent the moral arc of the universe a little more than our elders did. This requires commitment to brotherhood and lifting the “least of these”.
We look forward to establishing lasting relationships with the congregations we work with as well as the communities we serve. We are excited to equip each community with the tools necessary to change the communities we live in. The legacy of our foremothers and fathers shows us listening, training, and perseverance can tumble even the most stubborn foe. When we see the future, we see us better. The harm of intergenerational poverty, mass incarceration and the stifling of voices are Goliath, but, like David, we have the stones to conquer it.
I believe we are a people, called for such a time as this.

Ender Austin III
Southern Director, FIANV
I’m in Washoe County Sheriffs Emergency Response Team and I’m a Senior activist and advocate through the Senior Outreach Services @ UNR..my concerns are seniors living under the poverty level and being evicted in a pandemic and homeless in Reno. I’m supporting my clients and we need more volunteers. Lower rents
I would love to help assist with getting more of us into houses. I am a Real Estate Agent, please let me know what I can do. My passion is to see more of us to become home owners. If we are good enough to pay someone else mortgage, we are good enough to pay our own. Fear grips many and try to make them believe it can’t happen.