The 2021 Legislative Session is a key step towards creating the transformational change our state needs to overcome this difficult time as well as create a community that loves, cares and serves all Nevadans. This is why we are working with powerful coalitions and partners to pass bills that will change our state’s systems to better reflect the new normal Nevada’s communities need and desire.
This webpage is a living document of the bills we believe will reflect those changes. As the Legislative Session moves forward, we will update it with more bills.
FIANV is part of the Nevada Housing Justice Alliance (NHJA) to build power in the Legislative Session to change policy that provides greater housing protections for all Nevadans.
The NHJA understands that Nevada is in a housing crisis that has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe every Nevadan deserves an affordable and stable home, especially because home is the safest place from COVID-19.
Budget & Revenue
It is time for the mining industry and corporations to pay what they owe to Nevadans now more than ever. Nevadans have made huge sacrifices during the pandemic and will continue to do so if we do not diversify our revenue streams.
This is why FIANV is working with a Revenue Coalition made of over 50 organizations to find revenue that will help us heal from these difficult times. This Legislative Session we are calling on our legislators and state leaders to help ease the burden on Nevadans and raise taxes on corporations.
If we are to heal from pandemic, healthcare must be made more accessible and affordable for all Nevadans. This Legislative Session we are calling on our legislators to find powerful ways to transform the healthcare system in our state.
Democracy & Voting
The number of voters who turned out for the 2020 elections was a result of increased access to voting and powerful organizing work. We must continue to address the many barriers Nevadans face to voting, especially our Native American communities.
criminal justice reform
The death of George Floyd sparked discussion around the needs of criminal justice reform in Nevada, especially to protect our Black and Brown communities.
As a result, we have joined the Justice Reform and Accountability Alliance (JRAA) to work towards the implementations of bills that will help keep Nevada’s communities of color safe.
FIANV is part of the Nevada Immigrant Coalition (NIC) to work for the rights and needs of our immigrant communities. This Legislative Session we are working towards addressing the rights and treatment of Nevada’s immigrants.